Language: The official language of the Conference is English.
- The Conference includes on-line plenary sessions, oral and poster presentations, informative actions and workshops.
- A participant may present at most 2 papers as principal author. The presentation time is 15 minutes for oral presentation and 5 to 10 minutes for poster presentation. Also on-line poster presentation can be recorded and sent to the secretariat committee.
- Each paper for publication will be under 12 pages.
- Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference (Editing instructions).
- Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
- All papers are subject to a final review of publications and can be rejected without further information.
The Author:
- Declares that the manuscript is original and in its present form has not been published elsewhere in any form, that it has not been submitted to any journal/proceedings;
- Is responsible for the research they have been done and for the results described in the paper;
- Warrants that the article does not infringe upon any copyright, contains no libelous or otherwise unlawful statements, and does not otherwise infringe on the rights of others.